Over the weekend, you might have missed Lamar pressing HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and the Obama administration on some questionable activities regarding fundraising for Obamacare implementation.  Here are some clips that will get you up to speed on what Newt Gingrich is calling "the third scandal" after IRS and Benghazi.

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has concocted an unusual way to fund the Affordable Care Act…
Source:  Breitbart.com:  “Sebelius Under Fire for Obamacare Fundraising Bypassing Congress,” http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/05/13/Sebelius-Under-Fire-for-Creative-ObamaCare-Fundraising
“Sebelius…has solicited sizable donations… as part of a multimillion-dollar campaign to ensure the success of President Obama’s health care law”
“An insurance executive said that some insurers had been asked for $1 million donations, and that ‘bigger companies have been asked for a lot more.’”
Source:  New York Times:  “Health Secretary Raised Funds for Health Care Law,” http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/13/us/politics/health-secretary-raises-funds-for-health-care-law.html?_r=0.
 “Lamar Alexander says Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius may be involved in an Iran-Contra-style health care scandal and he wants Congress to investigate it.”
Source:  The Daily Caller: “Lamar Alexander slams Sebelius over Iran-Contra-style health care scandal,” http://dailycaller.com/2013/05/13/lamar-alexander-slams-sebelius-over-iran-contra-style-health-care-scandal/.
“The Obama administration is defending the legality of soliciting donations to promote the healthcare-reform law, but Republicans led by Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander aren't buying it.”

Source:  NewsMax.com:  “Sen. Alexander:  Investigate Fundraising for Obamacare Promotions,” http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/obamacare-fundraising-promotions-investigation/2013/05/13/id/504197.
@NewtGingrich:  Lamar Alexander “has exposed the third scandal after the #IRS and Benghazi”
Source: @NewtGingrich Twitter profile, https://twitter.com/newtgingrich/status/333963152729460736.
“This has all the hallmarks of a shakedown.”
Source:  Townhall.com:  “HHS to Health Care Companies, We Need your Donations to Fund Obamacare.”  http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2013/05/13/hhs-to-healthcare-companies-we-need-your-donations-to-fund-obamacare-n1593421.
“I realize scandal investigations are backing up like cars on the Beltway in rush hour, but this one seems like it should go close to the front of the line.”
Source:  The Washington Post:  “Obamacare extortion?”  http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/wp/2013/05/12/obamacare-extortion/.
“I'm sure people who decline her generous invitation to pay up won't suffer and negative consequences. Why it's not like we just found out today Obama used the IRS to target conservatives.”
Source:  Ace of Spades HQ:  “Holy Crap: HHS Secretary Sebilus Is Extorting Money From Health Care Industry To Promote ObamaCare,”  http://minx.cc/?post=339866.
