1. Lamar was born in Maryville, the son of a kindergarten teacher and an elementary school principal.  
  2. Lamar received the Restoring the Balance Award from the National Conference of State Legislatures for defending the states’ rights protected by the Tenth Amendment – an award so rarely given it hasn’t been awarded for 10 years. 
  3. Whenever there has been a vote in the Senate on Obamacare, Lamar has voted to repeal, replace, or get rid of Obamacare each and every time.
  4. Politico.com said that no senator was responsible for more “laws actually passed” during 2013 than Lamar Alexander.
  5. Lamar is a seventh-generation Tennessean.
  6. Lamar’s “Every Child Ready for College or Career Act”, supported by every Republican on the Senate education committee, allows states to be free to set their own high standards and tests for students in reading, math and science because he believes Tennesseans can make better education decisions for our children than Washington ever could.
  7. Lamar is the leading conservative voice for ending the wind energy tax credit ending a wasteful subsidy by $60 billion.  Tea Party leaders have echoed Lamar's views by calling it one of “the biggest wastes in Washington spending.”
  8. In his campaign for governor, Lamar walked 1,000 miles across Tennessee in his now-famous red and black plaid shirt.
  9. Lamar voted against the Ryan-Murray budget because it did not address long-term debt problem and was a bad deal for veterans and supported the law that overturned the unfair cuts to veteran's pensions.
  10. If Republicans take back the U.S. Senate, Lamar will become Chairman of the important Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (H.E.L.P) Committee – the committee leading the fight against Obamacare and the de facto national school board.
  11. Lamar received an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association for protecting the Second Amendment rights for all Tennesseans.
  12. Lamar’s Main Street Fairness Act is about state’s rights taking Congress out of the business of picking winners and losers between online retailers and brick and mortar businesses and letting states determine how best to set their own tax policies.
  13. Lamar received 100 percent Ratings from the N.F.I.B and the Chamber of Commerce for supporting pro-growth economic policies in the U.S. Senate.
  14. When elected to the U.S. Senate in 2002, Lamar had spent more adult years in the private sector than in public life. Lamar has co-founded a Nashville law firm and he and his wife and three others founded Corporate Child Care, Inc. that ultimately became the world’s largest provider of worksite daycare.