FACT: Sen. Alexander’s Every Child Ready for College or Career Act would stop the U.S. Department of Education from acting like a “National School Board”
The Every Child Ready for College or Career Act would let States decide whether schools and teachers are succeeding or failing. It would end the growing pile of Federal mandates that have built up on States and local school districts and has created, in effect, a national school board. 

FACT: Every Republican on the Senate Education Committee SUPPORTED Sen. Alexander’s Every Child Ready for College or Career Act
Source: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CRPT-113srpt113/pdf/CRPT-113srpt113.pdf

FACT: There has never been a vote in the United States Senate to support “Common Core” and Sen. Alexander OPPOSES federal mandates on state and local education

Source: Diane Ravitch’s book “National Standards in American
Education: A Citizen’s Guide” (p. 146)

Secretary Alexander advised the president to veto the bill if it came to his desk, because the legislation “creates at least the beginnings of a national school board that could make day-to-day school decisions on curriculum, discipline, teacher training, textbooks, and classroom materials… A federal recipe dictating how to operate a local school board does not make schools better.”