Sen. Lamar Alexander said Wednesday that someone ought to be fired over the online glitches surrounding the Affordable Care Act, whether it’s President Barack Obama, or someone else.
“Somebody needs to be on the flagpole for this, and somebody ought to be fired. If the president’s not going to resign, he should fire somebody else,” Alexander said during Fox News’s “Happening Now.”
Alexander (R-Tenn.) added that “the president first” is to blame, but wouldn’t say whether Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius should be fired.
“Well, that’s up to be president. I think he should make that decision,” Alexander said.
The Tennessee senator also spoke about legislation that he plans to introduce next week that would require weekly reports on the status of Obamacare including information on how many have visited the website and were successful in enrolling.
“This is the internet age. Even before the internet age McDonald’s could tell you how many hamburgers it was selling every day,” Alexander said.
“I would think that since Democrats passed the law, they’d want people to know how it is working. And if it is working better, let’s let them know it’s working better. This isn’t, really,