2014 National Agenda Survey

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Lamar Survey
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Survey Questionnaire
The Marketplace Fairness Act grants states the authority to compel online and catalog retailers ("remote sellers"), no matter where they are located, to collect sales tax at the time of a transaction - exactly like local retailers are already required to do. Do you support this legislation?
Do you believe that states and local communities can make better decisions regarding the education of our children than Washington can?
Is it necessary to ensure that our borders are secure before we determine the next step (s) for immigration reform?
The House and Senate negotiators have agreed on a budget. If you have heard about the deal, do you support it?
Over the course of the next year, do you think the state of the economy will improve or get worse?
Do you believe that the President should be forced to make good on his promises that you could keep your plan if you liked it and you could keep your doctor if you chose to?
Do you support comprehensive reform of the existing tax code?
This winter, fuel prices will likely rise as demand for home heating energy increases. Do you favor the relaxation of drilling regulations here in the U.S. in order to encourage increased domestic production?
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Which of the following issues are you the most passionate about?
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