Demand Accountability, it is time for Sebelius to resign

I Agree With Lamar - Sebelius Must Go!

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In the News

Knoxville News Sentinel:  “Alexander on Senate floor calls for Sebelius’ resignation” 
The Hill:  “Alexander demands Sebelius’ resignation”
USA Today:  “An influential GOP senator said Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius should resign over the ‘disastrous rollout’ of the national health care law.”
The Tennessean:  Senator Alexander:  “Taxpayers have spent $400 million to create exchanges that, after three and one half years, still don’t work.”
Oak Ridge Today:  Senator Alexander:  “No private sector chief executive officer would escape accountability after such a poor performance…”
The Commerical Appeal:  Senator Alexander:  “Expecting this secretary to be able to fix in a few weeks what she has not been able to fix during the last three and one-half years is unrealistic…It is throwing good money after bad.”
PJ Media: Senator Alexander:  “’Americans deserve …accountability in the implementation of the new health care law...”
Politico:  “Lamar Alexander:  Time for Sebelius to resign”
NewsMax:   "Time for Sebelius to quit"